Come taste and see that the Lord is good

John 4

Living Water Women's ministry of Mt. Gallant COG (Rock Hill) and Restoration Point Church (Clover) is founded on John 4.
The woman at the well had an encounter with Jesus.
We read that Jesus filled the longings of her heart with His living water.
 As the women of MGCOG, we encourage each other to let go of worldly things that leave us wanting more and to be filled with the the living water of Jesus, that ALWAYS satisfies.

His living water will satisfy our longing for security, peace, comfort, belonging, goodness, joy, worth, freedom, justice, approval, significance, and love.

We create times for women and young ladies to worship, study, encourage, and serve together. We do this in safe spaces that allow vulnerability without judgement and authenticity that grows intimate and lasting relationship with each other and Christ. Come join us and let's see what the Lord has for you.
Pastor Donna Welch